Jumbo Dominoes in New York-Domino Sound DJ’s August 3rd and 4th

After a few years of a wonderful monthly night at the beloved New Orleans bar Vaughan’s, the Domino Sound DJs have booked a summer getaway to play our beautiful and danceable records for a few dancefloors in New York. If you are in New York, please come out if you can. If you know anyone in New York that would be interested in a night out on the town with beautiful music and good cheer, please spread the word. The more, the merrier!

Find us at:

Tubby’s, 586 Broadway, Kingston NY, Saturday August 3rd

Radio Shop, 1136 President Street, Brooklyn, NY, Sunday August 4th

Siesta hours for summer time- June 16th-September 16th

For mental and physical health, the shop will be on limited hours through the summer. These are your golden days of having the option to buy some records in the morning, or sometimes late at night. What a gas!

Summer hours are

THURSDAY 10:30am-2pm & 6-9pm

FRIDAY 10:30am-2pm & 6-9pm

SATURDAY 10:30am-2pm

SUNDAY 10:30am-2pm

“JUMBO DOMINOES”-Domino Sound DJ’s at Vaughan’s Lounge, Sunday, July 28th, 2024

Come on down to Dauphine and Lesseps for some lovely records, good company, and a dance if you are feeling it. The Domino Sound stable of DJ’s (C’Est Funk, Lady Li, Precious Cargo, and Prince Pauper… we will be missing you again Lo Tide) will be playing vinyl records through speakers located on a fine dancing floor. Sunday, July 28, from 8pm until midnight or later. Beauty after beauty after beauty.

Thank You Ali Birra for all of the beautiful music!

It is with a heavy heart that I announce that Ali Birra has passed on November 6th, 2022 after long battles with his health. A loving, warm, and very fun friend has left us, and he will be missed. The most beloved of the Oromo singers of Ethiopia, he was a star for over fifty years, and wrote songs that are the classics of the Oromo people. I consider myself so very lucky to have met him, and shared some epic conversation on a multitude of topics, as wells as some downright fun. Domino Sound, along with Little Axe, released a record of collected songs from the mid-1970’s of Ali’s music, and although it is out of print, a few of them can be listened to here- https://www.dominosoundrecords.com/label/

Also, here is a photo montage tribute to the great Ali Birra. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIz9fQkj9QA

And here is Ali playing one of his classics, “Awaash”, on a couch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWraDlnDfyU

The world will miss you Ali Birra, the “Urji Balkkalcha” of Oromo music. Thank you for the beautiful music that you left for all of us to enjoy. Please tune into WWOZ, 90.7fm in the New Orleans area, and available worldwide at www.wwoz.org this Sunday, November 20th from 8-10pm CST for music and talk to celebrate Ali Birra’s contribution to our world. (This show has been archived by Lisa G on Mixcloud at this web address. https://www.mixcloud.com/lotide-lisag/prince-pauper-for-ali-birra-wwoz-spirits-of-congo-sq/)-Matt Knowles

2557 Bayou Road
New Orleans, LA



Hours until September 16th

THURSDAY 10:30am-2pm & 6pm-9pm

FRIDAY 10:30am-2pm & 6pm-9pm

SATURDAY 10:30am-2pm

SUNDAY 10:30am-2pm